With decades of experience in leadership, safety and stakeholder management, LDN have built a solid reputation for; partnership, currency in industry knowledge, quality design, coaching and delivery of outcomes and have some of the best consultants and facilitators in the business.

Clients contact LDN when they:

  1. Have an issue and need a solution.
  2. Can articulate the problem and solution, yet don t have the internal capacity to create and implement what needs to be done.
  3. Want to implement a change.
  4. Want to make something complex, simple to understand and apply.

LDN rarely advertise. More than 80% of our work is based on referral or repeat business.


Our approach to consulting is to partner with our clients to understand the elements of the bigger picture. Our belief, and the way we work, is that solutions should be looked at within the whole system rather than in isolation, this allows us to consult strategically to an integrated approach or to provide consultation on single elements depending on organisational needs. 

We do this by bringing together accumulated experience and advice and the combined expertise of an appropriate group of consultants.

Instructional Design

Using established adult learning principles and contemporary thinking and delivery methodologies, our instructional designers produce engaging, relevant and practical solutions to meet individual organisation or industry needs. We have amassed a substantial library of knowledge and research and a reputation for being among the best in the areas of behavioural safety, leadership and learning and development.

LDN specialises in:

  1. Brand new design with an option for clients to own the intellectual property.
  2. Customising existing programs to look and sound completely unique to individual situations and organisational cultures.
  3. Off-the-shelf, ready to go program options.

With an established partnership model, clients join designers on the journey of program creation and implementation which provides comfort and certainty of a quality end product.


Our facilitators located throughout Australia and New Zealand are renowned in the industry for providing engaging, relevant, and impactful facilitation and training. Whether delivering a one-hour module or two-day program, facilitators are matched to clients’ cultures, training subject matter expertise and geography which minimises investment.

Our facilitators know how to address the needs of diverse populations, whether that diversity stems from role, authority and experience, tenure, background, culture etc. Our ability to use appropriate language, to tailor case studies and content, select stories and examples and create group discussion that makes the learning immediately relevant and applicable to the environment of the learners is one of the things that is most often commented on by our clients. Becoming a facilitator with us involves a rigorous accreditation process with only our very best being available to our clients.


LDN understands human behaviour.  Learning something once won t often result in behaviour change.  LDN, therefore, focuses on supporting clients to implement strategies to shift information from short term (working memory) to long term memory and therefore result in workplace behaviour change.

We also understand the key to success for an organisation is long-term sustainability of any solution introduced. LDN have a strong history of successful long-term partnerships with our clients. We have a number of tools designed to support the embedding of new behaviours.

We're Here To Help Your Business

Ready to build safer workplaces and more productive people?
Let s talk.

Call us on 03 9510 0477.