Buy in for policies and procedures

Getting buy-in and compliance to new policies or procedures can be very difficult to implement. Generally, people don t like change and are sceptical of alterations to policies and procedures.

So, when your organisation changes its Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), how do you ensure staff understand what compliance means and embrace the changes, so it becomes “just how we work around here?”  Organisations are also required to consult and get feedback as part of their due diligence obligations.

A client in the manufacturing industry recently engaged LDN’s safety division Safety Dimensions to develop a solution to that challenge.

Using our understanding of adult learning, change processes and embedding organisational outcomes, LDN designed a two-hour training module which was delivered successfully to every employee, resulting in the workforce understanding and buying-in to the changes to the organisation’s SOPs.

The training included a brief assessment at the end of the module to ensure everyone understood and could apply the revised SOPs, this was then uploaded to the staff members’ HR file.

After this project, LDN designed an online training module explaining the SOPs and their application for use in the organisation s onboarding and company induction program.

Following that success, LDN is designing two additional training modules on incident investigation SOPs and bullying and harassment policy changes for other organisations.


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Delivered live and online by our expert facilitators in an interactive training environment over Zoom or TEAMS.
These are not pre-recorded online programs participants receive the same experience as our in-person programs.


The BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is for those interested or responsible for safety in the workplace. Learn to manage risks, apply relevant WHS laws and contribute to keeping everyone free from harm.
For all industries.


The BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management is designed for new and emerging leaders. Discover how to communicate effectively, manage individuals and lead motivated and engaged high-performing teams.
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